Уроки (Lessons)

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Expanding the Circle

Sections: Vocabulary | Exercises | Dialogues | Culture Expanding the Circle

Practice listening to food vocabulary in this clip that went viral in Russia in 2008. He uses several diminutives, but you should be able to recognize many of the cafeteria items he talks about.


This link takes you to a virtual museum of the unique Russian cultural phenomenon known as kommunalka, a communal urban living, which was originally promoted by the ideologues of communism as the solution to various social ills. In practice, however, it morphed into the ugliest living arrangement for millions of Soviet city residents. It provides a major collection of videos, photographs, documents, and scholarly articles developed by a group of anthropologists from three universities. It is completely bilingual--Russian and English.

Delve into the world of modern Russian music, movies, TV, cartoons, and food on SRAS’ (the School of Russian and Asian Studies) PopKult website

Love rock music? Visit the Rockin’ Russian site to discover classic and current Russian groups. Watch music videos with your choice of Russian, literal English, and colloquial English subtitles. Each video is accompanied by exercises for all levels of proficiency.

Here are a few more Russian rock videos to help you get acquainted with some more excellent Russian-language rock music:

Zемфира - "Прогулка"

Земляне - "Трава у дома"

UMA2RMAN - "Прасковья"